Surgery Time
60 -120 min
Anaesthesia Type
General or Local
Hospital Stay
1 to 2 hours
Reasonable Mobility
2-5 days
Age Restriction
18 + Years Old
What is the fastest way to cure gynecomastia?
- While some non-surgical treatments for gynecomastia are helpful, surgery is often the only way to correct gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery offers certain, immediate, and permanent elimination of excess breast tissue and fat and improvement of the appearance of the chest.
How do i find out if i have a fat chest or gynecomastia?
You may be able to differentiate gynecomastia and chest fat by examining the texture of your chest. Chest fat feels soft, as it’s no different than body fat in your arms, abdomen, or elsewhere in your body. Whereas gynecomastia may feel firmer to the touch, and in some cases, you may feel a hard lump beneath your skin.